TCS to hold 2021 AGM on Sat. May 22

Alberta government has passed new legislation to allow organizations to hold their Annual General Meetings virtually earlier this year. TCS Board of Directors have decided to hold the 2021 Annual General Meeting on Saturday at 7 pm through Zoom, and appointed Adem Erisek, Suat Demirer, Cemal Zıvalı and Hanife İçöz as the Nomination Committee.

Alberta government requires that organizations hold the elections as outlined in their bylaws. Since our Bylaws require paper ballots and secret voting (if there are more candidates than the open positions) elections will be held the next day (on Sunday May 23) from 1 pm to 6 pm, with members arriving to cast their votes by appointment to make sure we follow covid19 pandemic restrictions.

As usual we will have 5 Board positions up for election this year. Deadline for renewing memberships, and submitting Nomination Forms for Board positions will be Monday, April 17th at 7 pm. Annual membership fees for Voting membership is $50 and Social Membership is $25. TCS Board had implemented new membership forms requiring each member to confirm that they have read and understood the TCS Bylaws and agree to abide by them. If you haven’t previously filled out and submitted these new membership forms, you need to make an appointment at TCS to submit your membership form. Membership dues can be etransferred to

AGM Agenda, Annual Reports and Financial reports will be emailed to our active members separately ahead of the AGM.


TCS Board of Directors